Poetic Posts

In conjunction with an Asian Art project, Room 116 wrote the following haiku poems. Enjoy!!


By Aiden


Cranberries bouncing

Flowing waves go side to side

Machines are at work.


By Angelyse


Clouds float above me

Green peaks surround me near a

Cranberry river.


By Bari-Lynn


Glacial peaks up high

Blue Jay soaring in the sky

The lighthouse shines bright.




By Carly


Rubies floating calm

Crystals lying on the pond

Glimmering at dusk.




Made by Chloe


Snow-capped hills up high,

Houses down low in the sand,

River sparkles blue.


By Isabella


Purple glowing sky

Mountains glimmering brightly

The day is ending.





By Joshua


Up high in the clouds

Waterfalls flowing down fast

Trees sway side to side. 




By Kendall


Stormy mountain tops

Warm up in the mid-day sun

Which heats the valley.




By Lilia


Mountain peaks so sharp,

Petals falling from the trees,

To the flowing lake.





By Mariah


Early morning light

Bathes the mountains in sunshine

As the Earth wakes up.




By Matthew


The foggy mountains

Reach up for the azul sky.

Spring is in the air.




By Max


Mountain tops so sharp

Makes petals fly far away

Down to dark sea depths.





By Mitchell


Sun shines over peaks.

Mountains are glistening gold.

China town feels peace.



By Sophia


The mountains glisten

In the soft twilight sky

Flowing to the sea.




By William


Mountains reach the sky.

The valley wakes up with light.

The temple shines high.




In honor of the late great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Room 116 would like to share their poems of peace:


By A. H.

At the beach I’m at peace,

Listening to the waves roll in and out,

Sitting in the sand, the warm sun shines down on me,

Seagulls soar high above the sky so blue

Fresh salt air with every breath

Fills my heat with joy

Peace Poem

by E. H.

Peace is the soft music I listen to.

Peace is the sweet dream I think of.

Peace is the nice school I go to.

Peace is the friends I like.

Peace is the nice teachers I love.

Peace is the class I am happy in.

Peace is the principal I admire.


By J.W.

Peace is the quiet and still when I’m sleeping.

Peace is the calm I feel when I’m walking at the beach.

Peace is the serenity of a babbling brook with woodland animals.

Peace is my happiness from the love in my heart and family.

Peace is the nonviolence of a world without war.


By E. G.

Peace is the sound of my cat’s purr

It’s the birds singing on a sunny summer day

Peace is the love and laughter of my family

And watching the sunset go down over the ocean

It is a feather that falls from the sky

and lands in my hands

Peace is the happiness of a dove

soaring above you in the beautiful blue sky

Peace is always in your heart


By J. S. P.

Peace is love

Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream

Of equality on earth for all children

Holding hands together whatever skin color

Peace is my family whom I love

And the places that keep me calm

Even when I’m angry

That’s how I remember peace


By L.  C.

Peace is listening to the sound of the calm ocean waves

It is the joy of watching doves fly in the air

Peace is the calm of newborn puppies sleeping

It is the quiet of a sparkly spring day

Peace is the tranquility of watching a summer sunset

It is the silence of walking in the woods

Peace is looking up at the sky

and making pictures in the clouds

It is dancing to the music

in the middle of a floor routine

Peace is the love and happiness in my heart



Peace Poem

By M. B. D.

Peace is going with my dad in his truck on a snowy day.

The snow is soft and white and quiet.

Peace is animals, all kinds of animals.

My cat, dog and bunnies are peaceful,

Because they are soft and fluffy, and they love me.

Peace is my friends.

They make me have fun and make me happy.

Peace is reading a good book like books about trucks and machines.

Peace makes me happy.


By O. E.

Peace is like having a magical power

You never knew you had

If I had the power to spread peace

I would teach the world

Love, respect, caring and acceptance

Peace is like having a best friend

by your side at all times


By D. N.

Peace is walking with my dog Kasha

in the silent green forest

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping

Peace is when I can sleep

Peace is playing Wii. Superstars Tennis

Peace getting 15 points, then 30

Peace is Everything

By E. L.

Peace is love and it is joy

Peace is not fighting

It is being nice

Peace is making good choices

It is being agreeable and friendly

Peace is dream of happiness

It is feeling love in your heart

Peace is like floating on a dove

It is something you can’t see but you can feel it all around

Peace is wanted all around the world

Peaceful Snowflake

By J. B.

My breath is frosty

Little crystals fall from the sky

Everything is white

I blow snow from my hands

I hear sleds woosh down the hills

Snowballs fly past my head

The plows are out

The thought of hot chocolate warms my heart


By K. M.

Peace in the world

Peace on earth

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream

For children all around the world

To hold hands

Be joyful

Show happiness

Around the globe,

Doves show peace

If you see doves leave them be

If peace is around the world

Fighting will end

The only thing that would touch you

is a loving hug or a helping hand

Peace on earth

Peace in the world

Love peace forever

Peace is Love

By L. G.

Peace is like a walk on a beach

And listening to music

Or playing tag with my friend

Peace is spending time with my mom

And snuggling with my dog and my cats

Peace is love


By M. E.

Peace is the sound of the soothing sea

And love in every room

Peace is the sound of a baby’s cry

And happiness in my heart

Peace can be heard in the birds

And music playing as I drift off to sleep

Peace is a dove holding a laurel leaf


This week we wrote haiku poetry about the lovely season of autumn. A haiku is a Japanese poem which follows a set format of five syllables in line 1, 7 syllables in line 2, and 5 syllables in line 3. We hope you enjoy our haikus, and we would love to hear yours!


Cranberries taste so good

Leaves change colors everywhere

Cool Jack-o-lanterns


Jack-o-lanterns smile

Fall Leaves Color the earth

Crisp cold wind blows hard


Cranberries bounce high

The dried ones taste like candy

Harvested in fall


Leaves fall in autumn

Jack-o-lanterns everywhere

Smell of pie is great


Pumpkins on the steps

Jack o lanterns light the way

Bats fly on the night


Such a nice season

Going to pick a pumpkin

Jack-o-lanterns glow

M .B. D.

Colored leaves fall down

Pumpkins on the step scare me

Orange, plump, with stems


They are tart but good

Cranberries bounce like small balls

Fall is their season


Trick or treat candy

Hot apple cider is good.

Jack-o-lanterns smile


Fun leaves to play in

Fun treats for my friends and me

Pumpkins on the front step


Pumpkins are yummy

The leaves change color in fall

Halloween is great


Sis’s fall birthday

I can jump in leaves in fall

Jump in leaves all day


Picking cranberries

Skating at Tony Kent rink

Eating apple pie


Beautiful season

To snuggle in warm blankets

My birthday’s in fall

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