April Arrival!!

April 10, 2015

Greetings from Room 116!
It was great to have a normal week for a change. It allowed us to get a lot accomplished, as you can see:
Math: We started our unit on Data, learning how to create and interpret line plots, bar graphs, and pictographs.
ELA: We read our historical fiction books and wrote cloud cinquain poems. We also reviewed the “-ing” ending in Spelling.
Science/SS: We made additional observations for our long-term science experiments and watched several videos on the water cycle. We also continued to study the early Colonial period.
Other: We took our post-session survey in Calmer Choice and worked on our biography Power Point presentations in Computers.
Best wishes for a glorious spring weekend!
Ms. Feeney

P.S. With allergy season soon upon us, we could definitely use some classroom donations of Kleenex. Thank you in advance for your help!!